Due to the epidemic, most law schools are now offering classes online, leaving law students perplexed as to how to navigate this weird new method of legal education. If you’re one of the many law students adjusting to a new internet-based classroom, https://www.alu.edu/ created a list of advice for you—not just on how to set one up for success, but also on how and when to keep rational in a school environment of just one.
Tips for Being a Successful Virtual Law Student:
Get acquainted with the technologies.
Familiarize yourself with the technology before logging in to live for the first time, whether your lecturers use Zoom, Blackboard, Google Hangouts, or another tool to hold classes. Include video, sound, and chat functionality in your self-learning sessions—all of these capabilities may be used throughout the class.
Maintain a professional tone.
You can’t do everything you want on your end of the computer just because you’re remote. You don’t want to end yourself in an embarrassing scenario, which is a genuine possibility in a technology-based class. Maintain the mindset that you might be requested to participate at any time through sound or video. Consider your attire, location, and whether or not there is background music before class begins. If you’d be embarrassed if your professor or classmates saw or heard anything on your end, make the necessary changes before signing in. Some apps, such as Zoom, include options that allow your instructors to track you, even if you’ve “left class” for a different web browser. After class, do your internet shopping.
Participate in the course.
Signing in simply on weekdays when the class is planned may not be the most effective strategy for success. You’ll be more interested and equipped for the class if you check your e-learning system and email every day for changes and new resources available in the https://www.alu.edu/ platform. Read and annotate all of the materials and supplemental readings were given by your lecturer. Because you are not in a classroom, you should use every other tool available to you to study the topic. When you’re not held responsible by time or the actual space of a classroom, it’s easy to start down that slope of sloth, which involves putting in the additional work to pass is not just highly encouraged – it’s required.
Don’t let yourself get diverted.
If your TV is on in the background, you’re listening to music, or you’re playing a virtual drinking game throughout the class, you’re not absorbing the material as well as you should be. Ask yourself, “How would I be acting right now if I were physically there at school?” Just because you’re presently at home doesn’t imply you have less stuff to understand or that your finals will be easier. It’s still law school, and you must prepare.