The photography of wild animals’ outdoors is challenging and rewarding. Unlike controlled environments such as parks or zoos, wildlife is fleeting. Since most opportunities last only a few seconds, there is little room for error.Visit this site to read articles on Photography.
Know the subject
Wildlife photography is about much more than technical details such as aperture and shutter speed. It also goes beyond the technology we use. To capture the true beauty of a subject, it is essential to understand their behavior. Click here to read articles on Photography.
Read books and talk to hunters or experts in the species of animal you are going to photograph. If there is a specialist in your city, you can also talk to him or ask him for advice via email. They will generally be willing to share their knowledge, provided you are respectful of animals.
Wait for The Unexpected
Wildlife does not wait for you to be ready to take the picture. As soon as you get there, take the camera out of your backpack, turn it on, remove the lens cover, and set the exposure for ambient light. In this way, you are prepared for anything that can cross your path.
If you don’t prepare this way, you can miss amazing shots.
The light
A great tip is to photograph in the golden hours. This means getting up early in the morning and being in the field before sunrise, and going out in the afternoon to make the most of the last hours of sunlight.
The light around noon (especially between 11:00 and 16:00, depending on the place) is generally too hard. The exception is a cloudy day, when the clouds act like a giant soft-box to filter the light evenly.
Since photography is all about light, what you need to know is how to use light to your advantage. You can often find yourself in a position where light is not ideal, or light is fine, but in the wrong direction.
You will not always be able to move to a better place. The good news is that light in the wrong direction can add a special effect to the image. It’s all about adapting.
Be as Discreet as Possible
The only way to accurately capture the authentic behavior of wild animals is not to be a distraction.
Act in silence, mix with the surroundings and observe patiently. Be careful of camera noises and flashes that may impair your ability to be discreet. You have to be like a Ninja. The stealthier you are, the better your chances will be.
Do Not Forget the Environment
It is not good to photograph only with long lenses all the time, where the frame is filled only with the subject. You need to show the environment. Go back and use wide angle lenses to give viewers a sense of where animals live, this can put some context and help improve the composition of the photograph.